First off I should mention that some cohorts and I have created a site called Literate Machine which allows people to upload and sell or give away comics, ebooks and other digital content. Probably more on this later, but go check it out.

The Watchmen movie will have a spin-off DVD of the pirate story that was a sub-story in the original comic. Why? "Because pirates sell. Thank you Johnny Depp.

Are creative writing courses the new mental hospitals?

This may be the worst contract for creative types every created, courtesy of TokyoPop. It's actually offensive.

This is the strangest interface for reading free books I've ever seen. It's supposed to look like your doing work while your reading. Unfortunately their selection is not so great, not to mention that seeing that horrible Windows desktop sprawled over my beautiful Linux screen gives me the heebie-jeebies.

The Millions rounds up over-used book reviewing cliches.

"The Singularity" in Science Fiction -- the moment when machines become smarter than humans -- has become the new Flying Spaghetti Monster.

Why are book reviewers ignoring the fiction boom?

Keith Gessen is a very troubled young man. Who represents everything that's wrong in the literary world. Who makes me want to scream and rip my hair out. Or better, his hair out.

And finally, a non-literary link: Doritos go to space.