Here's some stuff for you to keep you busy while I'm writing a whole novel this weekend.

Must read: Down in the Ghetto at the SF Cafe, Hal Duncan really sums up the problems/questions of genre in really astute ways. This is the beginning of a new column by him called "Notes from a New Sodom" which promises to be very, very good. Hal Duncan (author of the novels Vellum, Ink and Escape From Hell and his blog, Notes from the Geek Show, I read religiously).

A new short story by Wet Asphalt favorite and living god of writing David Mitchell

Ed Champion's Dramatic Readings of Hate Mail project has me cracking up.

Download a free copy of China Mieville's Perdido Street Station courtesy of Suvudu.

and finally,
Canabalt is an extremely addictive game with only one button. My favorite thing about it is the whole John Woo-does-the-apocalypse milieu of the game.